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The brand strives to combat the perception that traditional is boring and uncomfortable. Our clothing are versatile enough to appear both traditional and modern. We aim to achieve this through various cuttings, fabrics choices, prints and colors

Mission: To continually innovate in sustainable design. Injecting modern aesthetic into the baju melayu, but also committed to continuing to push the boundaries of sustainable innovation through research and experimentation.

Vission: To help people understand what traditional Malay wear is all about, and appreciate its beauty. Nusantara will continue to do this until more of them embrace their heritage. In Nusantara, heritage wear foes minimalist and modern

01  The Brand

02  Logo

Cormorant Garamond
Semi Bold


HEX: #AC8146
HEX: #C1A590
HEX: #766C58
HEX: #DDA036
HEX: #D9B593
Earthy hues of black, brown, white, and neutral that signify soil and water come into play — alongside contrasting shades of green for leaves, while maroon, peach, and mustard paint a beautiful portrait of dusk.


Swing Tag & Care Label Tag
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Our packaging is made with kindness in mind, where all processes from creating, manufacturing, production and distribution are carefully thought to minimize wastage without compromising your shopping experience

when you’re purchasing online, you can choose to have it in an outer box
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